【After Utopia】Nazi | PACKAGING

【After Utopia】Nazi | Packaging
Nazi Lee became famous as the second runner-up of “Sing! China” in 2019 and released her debut album After Utopia. Grandvity Design was very honored to participate in this album production. 

Different from usual albums, After Utopia replicates old records, sealing the CD in a frame. In order to listen, one must break the glass to access the CD. This alludes to the digitalization of online platforms and physical CD records becoming outdated. Inspired by the CD carvings NASA sent to aliens in 1977, Nazi also engraved her marks onto the CD. 

Rather than an ordinary album, After Utopia is a memorial milestone of the beauty and ugliness of this ever-changing society. Our current technology is only ancient history to the future. Therefore, the album includes elements of technology, civilization, and the future. The logotype uses harsh angles of pillars to imitate stone carvings. Using digital art, we create a ruptured yet delicate utopia.
Type | Packaging
Year | 2020
Client | 唯有音樂

Production | Grandvity Design
Digital Art | Noodlemaker
Logotype Designer | Noodlemaker
Album Designer | Noodlemaker
Photographer | 林子敬/Progressive​​​​​​​
【After Utopia】Nazi | PACKAGING

Project Made For

【After Utopia】Nazi | PACKAGING

2019中國好聲音獲得季軍的李芷婷一唱成名,並發行首張個人專輯《美麗舊世界》,類聚非常榮幸參與此張專輯設計。 《美麗舊世界》不同一般專輯,它仿照金唱片獎的樣式,將CD密封於盒中,如果想收聽就必須打破框架取出,暗喻在數位化的趨勢下,網路串流平台蔚為主流,實體唱片已成過去;碟盤上方則模擬19 Read More
